Do Vapes Set Off Smoke Alarms, Fire Alarms, Or Smoke Detectors?

Last Updated on: 18th September 2023, 05:43 pm

vape pen

Regarding smoke detectors and vape smoke, things can get a little tricky. Let me break it down like a cowboy breaking a wild horse.

First off, let’s talk about smoke detectors. These little guys are designed to detect smoke particles in the air, usually from a fire. But can they detect vape smoke? Well, it depends on the type of smoke detector you have.

Overall, being cautious and mindful of where and when you vape is best. If you’re in a public space or a building with smoke detectors and sprinklers, it’s best to step outside or find a designated vaping area instead of trying to hide your vape smoke indoors. Vaping can set off a fire alarm under the right circumstances. No one likes false alarms!

Table of Contents

Can Fire Alarms Detect Vape Smoke To Trigger The Alarm?

Maybe. It depends. Smoke detectors and fire alarms are typically designed to detect smoke and other airborne particles produced by fires. On the other hand, vape smoke is generated by a completely different process and is made up of different particles than smoke from a fire.

As a result, it can be difficult for smoke detectors and fire alarms to detect vape smoke, especially if they are not explicitly designed to do so.

According to this study on whether indoor e-cigarette use can set off smoke alarms, a little over 60% of people agree that fire alarms do not set off from vape smoke.

How Vape Smoke Interacts With Smoke Detectors

The specific components of vape smoke, such as propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin, can influence the interaction between the aerosol and smoke detectors. Photoelectric detectors and dual-sensor smoke alarms are generally more sensitive to vape smoke due to their detection mechanisms, while ionization smoke alarms may be less sensitive. However, it is important to note that the sensitivity of a smoke detector to vape smoke can vary depending on the specific device and the composition of the vape smoke.

Home Smoke Detectors

home smoke detector for vaping

Smoke detectors for homes are typically designed to detect smoke and set the alarm off and other airborne particles produced by fires. On the other hand, vape smoke is generated by a completely different process and is made up of different particles than smoke from a fire.

You need to use an excellent photoelectric fire alarm to be more effective at detecting vape smoke or other types of airborne particles that are not associated with fires.

Airplane Smoke Alarm

Using vape devices on airplanes is generally not allowed and there is a smoking ban which includes e-cigs, as it is considered a potential safety hazard. Even if a fire alarm does not detect vape smoke on the plane, the act of vaping itself could still pose a risk to the safety and comfort of other passengers.

Airplanes typically have smoke detectors installed throughout the cabin and cargo areas. These smoke detectors are designed to detect smoke and other airborne particles that may indicate a fire or other potential hazard.

However, some types of fire alarm devices on airplanes may be sensitive enough to detect certain kinds of vapor, including vape smoke. This is especially true if you are vaping in the bathroom because the smoke detectors there cannot differentiate between cigarette and vape smoke, so it will probably go off either way.

Hotel Room Fire Alarm

While some types of smoke detectors used in hotel rooms may be sensitive enough to detect certain kinds of vapor, including vape smoke, it is generally unlikely. Hotel smoke detectors are typically designed to detect smoke and other particles associated with fires, not vape devices.

I still wouldn’t take the chance. Not worth it. Many hotels have policies that prohibit smoking and vaping devices in rooms to prevent damage to the property and ensure the comfort of all guests.

Also, hotels will probably be installing (or have already installed) Halo Smart Sensor devices specifically designed to detect vape smoke and is an excellent vape sensor.

Smoke Detectors In School Bathrooms

Some types of smoke detectors used in school bathrooms may be sensitive enough to detect certain kinds of vapor, including vape smoke, but this is generally unlikely. Smoke detectors in schools are typically designed to detect smoke and other particles associated with fires, not vaping devices.

Even if a fire alarm in school bathrooms cannot detect vape smoke, using vaping devices in school bathrooms is generally a big no-no. This is because using vaping devices for a nicotine addiction may be considered a violation of school policies and may also pose a risk to the health and safety of students and staff.

Many schools also install Halo Smart Sensors to help combat naughty students with a Juul vape pen that is smokin’ in the boys’ room.

Will Vaping Set Off Sprinklers?

fire sprinklers

Things can get tricky regarding vaping and sprinklers, so let me break it down for you like a cowboy breaking a wild horse.

First off, let’s talk about sprinkler systems. These bad boys are designed to detect heat, not smoke. They work by detecting a sudden temperature rise and then spraying water to put out any fires that might be starting. So, unless your vape is hot enough that it can trigger a sprinkler, you’re probably in the clear.

That said, if you’re puffing away on your vape device and creating a thick cloud of vape smoke, you might trigger a smoke detector, which could then setting off a sprinkler if it’s tied into the building’s fire alarm system. And let me tell you, partner, nobody wants to be caught in a shower of sprinkler water when they’re trying to vape!

Generally, it’s always best to be cautious and mindful of where and when you vape. If you’re in a public space or a building with sprinklers, stepping outside or finding a designated vaping area is best.

How To Detect Vapes In Non-Smoking Areas

Detecting vape smoke in non-smoking areas can be a real challenge, especially since vape smoke is made up of different particles than smoke from a fire. Traditional fire alarm devices may not be able to detect vape smoke, but you can do a few things to stay alert and keep those non-smoking areas vape-free. Even a bit of cigarette smoke shouldn’t set off modern fire alarms.

One way to detect vape smoke is to use your nose, partner! Vape smoke often has a distinct odor, so detecting a sweet or fruity smell in a non-smoking area might be a sign that someone is vaping. Another way to detect vape smoke is to look for visual cues, such as a vapor cloud or residue on windows or mirrors.

In addition, some buildings and businesses use special sensors and air quality monitors to detect vape smoke and other types of air pollution. These systems can help identify areas where vaping occur and alert building management or security to take appropriate action.

Of course, the best way to prevent vape smoke in non-smoking areas is to follow the rules and regulations, partner. If you’re in a non-smoking area, respecting the rules and not using your vape device is essential. And if you see someone else vaping in a non-smoking room, be a good neighbor and tell them they’re not following the rules.

Is There A Smoke Detector That Detects Vaping?

This is an interesting question because I came up with some conflicting opinions when researching this.

Smoke Detector TypeDetection MechanismSensitivity to Vape Smoke
Photoelectric DetectorsDetects changes in light due to smoke particles obstructing the sensor’s light sourceModerate to high
Dual Sensor Smoke AlarmsUtilizes both ionization and photoelectric technology to detect smoke and other airborne particlesModerate to high
Ionization Smoke AlarmsUses a small amount of radioactive material to ionize the air; smoke disrupts the ionization processLow to moderate

Please note that these sensitivities are general guidelines and may vary depending on the specific brand or model of the smoke detector. Additionally, the sensitivity to vape smoke may also depend on factors such as the composition of the vape smoke and the proximity of the vaping activity to the detector.

Photoelectric Detectors

Photoelectric smoke detectors, for example, rely on detecting changes in light. When smoke is seen through a shift in the light coming into the sensor, it goes off.

These (or dual sensors) are the best for detecting vape smoke. Options like this one from X-Sense are an excellent choice.

However, others feel that other types of fire alarm options are better.

Dual Sensor Smoke Alarms

Dual-sensor smoke alarms are detectors that use ionization and photoelectric technology to detect smoke and other airborne particles. This means they can detect small particles, such as those generated by fires, and larger particles, such as those produced by vape devices.

While dual-sensor fire alarms, like the First Alert SA320CN, are not explicitly designed to detect vape smoke, they may be more effective than other smoke detectors. This is because vape smoke comprises larger particles than smoke from a fire, and dual-sensor fire alarms are better equipped to detect these larger particles.

Ionization Smoke Alarms

Ionization smoke alarms are smoke detectors that use a small amount of radioactive material to ionize the air in the sensing chamber. When smoke enters the chamber, it disrupts the ionization process and triggers the alarm. 

Now, while ionization smoke alarms are primarily designed to detect smoke particles from fires, they can potentially detect some types of vape smoke as well, partner.

This is because ionization smoke alarms are more sensitive to small particles than other detectors. If the vape smoke contains small enough particles, it could be detected by an ionization fire alarm. However, it’s important to note that ionization smoke alarms will detect not all types of vape smoke.


Can a carbon monoxide detector detect vape smoke?

No. Carbon monoxide detectors are designed to detect the presence of carbon monoxide gas, a colorless and odorless gas that can be deadly in high concentrations. Vaping will not set off a carbon monoxide detector.

Do First Alert smoke detectors detect vape?

First Alert smoke detectors are a popular brand of a smoke detector designed to detect smoke and other airborne particles that may indicate a fire or other potential hazard. While First Alert smoke detectors are not explicitly designed to detect vape smoke, they may pick up on some types of vapor, depending on the detector’s sensitivity and the kind of vapor being produced.


I hope I’ve been able to help you out with your questions about detecting vape smoke. While the topic can be tricky, it’s important to remember that the best way to prevent any potential harm from vape smoke is to avoid using vape devices in non-smoking areas and always follow the rules and regulations.