Do Beeswax Candles Clean the Air? Air Purification Science

Last Updated on: 11th December 2023, 07:33 pm

Beeswax candles have been gaining popularity due to their natural, non-toxic properties. Many people use them for their warm, amber glow and subtle honey scent. However, some people also claim that beeswax candles have air-cleaning properties. But is this true?

According to some studies, beeswax candles may indeed have air-cleaning properties. When burned, beeswax candles release negative ions into the air. These ions bind with positively charged ions, such as dust, pollen, and other pollutants, causing them to become too heavy to remain airborne. As a result, they fall to the ground and are no longer a threat to the air quality. While this claim is not yet fully supported by scientific evidence, it is still an intriguing possibility.

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Do Beeswax Candles Purify The Air?

Beeswax candles have been used for centuries as a natural alternative to paraffin candles. Many people believe beeswax candles can help purify the air in their homes. But is there any scientific evidence to support this claim?

beeswax candle clean the air

While there is limited research on the air-purifying properties of beeswax candles, some studies suggest that they may have some benefits. Beeswax candles produce negative ions when burned, which can help neutralize pollutants in the air. Negative ions are also produced by natural phenomena such as waterfalls and thunderstorms and are believed to positively affect mood and overall health.

In addition to producing negative ions, beeswax candles burn more cleanly than paraffin candles. Paraffin candles are made from petroleum, and when burned, they release toxins and carcinogens into the air. On the other hand, Beeswax candles are made from a natural, renewable resource and do not release harmful chemicals when burned.

It’s important to note that while beeswax candles may have some air-purifying properties, they should not be relied upon as the sole method of purifying the air in your home. Other methods, such as using air purifiers and opening windows for ventilation, should also be used to ensure that the air in your home is clean and healthy.

Overall, while more research is needed to fully understand the air-purifying properties of beeswax candles for air purification, they may have some benefits when used in conjunction with other air purification methods.

What is Beeswax?

Beeswax is a natural wax produced by honeybees in their hives. It is used by bees to build the honeycomb structure where they store honey and raise their young. Beeswax is a complex mixture of more than 300 compounds, including hydrocarbons, esters, and fatty acids. Humans have used it for thousands of years, including candles, cosmetics, and food.

Properties of Beeswax

Beeswax has several unique properties that make it useful for various applications. Here are some of the most important properties of beeswax:

  • Melting point: Beeswax has a relatively high melting point of around 62-65°C (144-149°F), which makes it ideal for making candles that burn slowly and evenly.
  • Odor: Beeswax has a mild, sweet odor that is pleasant to most people. Its natural fragrance is often used in cosmetics and personal care products.
  • Color: Beeswax is typically yellow or brown, depending on the source of the nectar that the bees used to make it. It can be bleached or refined to produce a lighter color.
  • Texture: Beeswax has a smooth, waxy texture that is easy to work with. It can be melted and molded into various shapes and forms.
  • Flammability: Beeswax is highly flammable, which makes it ideal for making candles that burn cleanly and produce little smoke or soot.

Beeswax is a versatile and natural material with many useful properties. Its unique combination of melting point, odor, color, texture, and flammability make it an ideal choice for making candles and other products.

Beeswax Candle Properties and Air Quality

How Do Beeswax Candles Clean The Air

Beeswax candles clean the air by releasing negative ions when burned. Negative ions are molecules with an extra electron, giving them a negative charge. These negative ions attach themselves to positively charged particles, such as dust, pollen, and other airborne contaminants that are positively charged. These particles become too heavy to remain airborne, causing them to fall to the ground. The air is then left with fewer pollutants, improving air quality and making it easier to breathe.

Benefits of Beeswax Candles for Air Quality

Beeswax candles have several benefits for air quality. They are a natural alternative to paraffin candles made from petroleum and release harmful chemicals when burned. On the other hand, Beeswax candles are made from natural ingredients and do not release harmful chemicals into the air. They are also hypoallergenic, making them a great option for people with allergies or asthma.

In addition to cleaning the air, beeswax candles have a pleasant, natural scent that can help to reduce stress and improve mood. They also burn longer than paraffin candles, so they must be replaced less frequently, reducing waste and saving money.

Beeswax candles are a great option for people who want to improve air quality in their homes or workplaces. They are natural, hypoallergenic, and have several benefits over traditional paraffin candles.

Other Benefits of Beeswax Candles

Eco-Friendly and Sustainable

Beeswax candles are a popular choice for environmentally conscious people. Beeswax is a natural, renewable resource that is produced by bees. Unlike paraffin candles, made from petroleum, beeswax candles do not emit harmful chemicals into the air when burned. They are also biodegradable so that they won’t contribute to landfill waste.

In addition, beeswax candles are sustainable because they support the beekeeping industry. Bees are essential pollinators, and beekeepers play an important role in maintaining healthy populations of bees. By purchasing beeswax candles, consumers can support beekeepers and help promote the health of bee populations.

Long-Lasting and Cost-Effective

Beeswax candles are known for their long burn time. They burn slower than paraffin candles, which means they last longer. This makes them a cost-effective choice in the long run, even though they may be more expensive than paraffin candles initially.

Beeswax candles also emit a warm, natural light that creates a cozy atmosphere. They are often used in spas and meditation rooms because of their soothing qualities.

In addition, beeswax candles do not produce soot or smoke so they won’t stain walls or ceilings. This makes them a great choice for people concerned about indoor air quality.

Beeswax candles offer many benefits beyond their ability to clean the air. They are eco-friendly, sustainable, long-lasting, and cost-effective. Plus, they create a warm, natural light that can help promote relaxation and calmness.

Do Beeswax Candles Remove Chemicals In The Air?

Beeswax candles are popular for those who want to create a cozy atmosphere in their homes. But do they clean the air? While many believe beeswax candles remove chemicals from the air, the truth is a bit more complicated.

When beeswax candles are burned, they release negative ions into the air. These negative ions are attracted to positively charged particles, such as dust, pollen, and other airborne contaminants. When the negative ions attach to these particles, they become too heavy to remain airborne and fall to the ground, effectively removing them from the air.

However, it’s important to note that while beeswax candles can help remove some pollutants from the air, they are not a substitute for proper ventilation or air filtration systems. Burning candles can release small amounts of soot and other pollutants into the air, harming those with respiratory issues.

Additionally, not all beeswax candles are created equal. Some candles may contain additives or be made with lower-quality wax, affecting their ability to release negative ions and clean the air.

In conclusion, while beeswax candles release negative ions that can attach to airborne pollutants and remove them from the air, they should not be relied upon as the sole air purification method. It’s important to use proper ventilation and air filtration systems to ensure that the air in your home is clean and healthy to breathe.


In conclusion, while beeswax candles do produce negative ions that can help to clean the air, the extent to which they do so is likely minimal. While some studies have shown that negative ions can positively impact air quality, the amount of negative ions produced by beeswax candles is likely not enough to make a significant difference.

That being said, beeswax candles are still a great option for those looking for a natural, eco-friendly alternative to traditional candles. They burn cleanly and do not produce the harmful chemicals often found in other types of candles.

Overall, while beeswax candles may not be the most effective way to clean the air, they are still a great option for those looking for a natural, sustainable way to add ambiance to their home.