What Does P1 Mean On A Toshiba Air Conditioner?

Last Updated on: 12th September 2023, 06:29 pm

Did you know that the ‘P1’ error code on your Toshiba air conditioner is one of the most common issues users face?

If you’re experiencing this error, don’t worry! In this article, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know about the ‘P1’ error, from its causes and implications to the steps you can take to address it.

Stay tuned to learn how to troubleshoot and solve this problem and regain control of your cooling system.

Table of Contents

Understanding the “P1” Error on Air Conditioners

If you’re experiencing the ‘P1’ error on your air conditioner, it means that there’s a problem with the compressor.

This error code indicates an issue with the motor or the compressor’s electrical components.

It’s important to address this error promptly to ensure the proper functioning of the air conditioner.

What P1 Means on an AC Unit

P1 on your Toshiba air conditioner indicates a problem with the unit’s power supply. This error code is commonly seen in Toshiba and Midea air conditioners, especially in mini-split systems.

When you encounter the P1 error code, there are a few things you can check to resolve the issue:

  • Check the power supply: Ensure the unit is properly connected to a reliable power source. Check the circuit breaker or fuse to confirm it hasn’t tripped or blown.
  • Inspect the drain cap: Sometimes, a clogged or improperly installed drain cap can trigger the P1 error code. Make sure the drain cap is clean and securely in place.

What Does the “P1” Error Mean on a Toshiba AC?

When you see the ‘P1’ error on your Toshiba air conditioner, it indicates the bottom tray is full.

Causes and Implications of the “P1” Error

When the ‘P1’ error occurs on your air conditioner, it’s typically caused by a clogged drain pan. This happens when the water in the pan can’t drain properly, leading to an overflow and triggering the error code.

The implications of this error include potential damage to the unit and a disruption in its cooling functionality.

What Causes The Drain Pan in The Air Conditioner To Fill

If your air conditioner’s drain pan is constantly filling, it may be caused by a clogged condensate drain line. This can happen when dust, dirt, or debris accumulates in the drain line, obstructing the water flow.

Here are some possible reasons why your drain pan is filling up:

  • Clogged drain plug: The drain plug, located at the bottom of the drain pan, may be blocked by debris, preventing water from draining properly.
  • Damaged drain pan: If cracked or damaged, water may leak out and accumulate, causing it to fill quickly.

To address this issue, you can try the following steps:

  • Clear the drain line: Use a pipe cleaner or a small brush to remove any obstructions in the drain line.
  • Clean the drain pan: Clean it thoroughly to ensure proper drainage if it is dirty.

Remember to turn off the power to your air conditioner before attempting any maintenance. If the problem persists, it’s recommended to consult a professional technician to avoid further damage to your air conditioner.

What Happens When the Bottom Tray in an Air Conditioner Is Full

If the bottom tray in your Toshiba air conditioner is full, it can lead to water overflowing and potentially causing damage to the unit. The bottom tray, or the drain pan, is important in the cooling process. It collects condensation that forms on the evaporator coil and drains it away.

However, if the tray becomes full, it can no longer effectively collect the water, resulting in overflow. This can lead to water damage to the unit itself, as well as to surrounding areas.

To prevent this, regular maintenance is crucial. Check and clean the bottom tray regularly to ensure proper drainage. Consult the user manual provided by Toshiba for specific instructions on accessing and cleaning the bottom tray in your portable air conditioner.

ToshibaAir conditioner
Bottom tray

Draining the Air Conditioner to Address the “P1” Error

You’ll need to drain the unit to address the ‘P1’ error on your Toshiba air conditioner. This error occurs when the drain pan becomes full and triggers a safety feature to prevent water overflow.

Emptying the Drain Pan

You can empty the drain pan of the Toshiba air conditioner by following these steps:

  1. Locate the drain pan: The drain pan is usually at the bottom of the air conditioner unit. It collects condensation that forms during the cooling process.
  2. Prepare the necessary tools: You’ll need a small container or bucket to collect the water from the drain pan and a towel or cloth to clean up any spills.
  3. Turn off the air conditioner: Before emptying the drain pan, turn off the air conditioner and unplug it from the power source. This will prevent any accidents or electrical shocks.
  4. Remove the drain pan: Carefully remove the drain pan from the air conditioner unit. Be cautious, as it may contain stagnant water.
  5. Empty the drain pan: Pour the collected water from the drain pan into the container or bucket. Make sure to dispose of the water properly.
  6. Clean and reattach the drain pan: Use a towel or cloth to clean the drain pan. Once it’s dry, reattach the drain pan to the air conditioner unit.

By following these steps, you can effectively empty the drain pan of your Toshiba air conditioner and ensure its optimal performance.

Remember to perform regular maintenance to prevent any issues and prolong the lifespan of your unit.

How To Drain The Bottom Tray in the Toshiba Aircon

The bottom tray can be drained by carefully removing it and disposing of any accumulated water. To effectively drain the bottom tray of your Toshiba air conditioner, follow these steps:

  1. Turn off the air conditioner and unplug it from the power source.
  2. Locate the bottom tray, usually found at the bottom of the unit.
  3. Gently lift the tray upwards, taking care not to spill any water.
  4. Empty the water into a suitable container or drain.
  5. Once the tray is empty, wipe it clean with a soft cloth.
  6. Carefully place the tray back into its original position, ensuring it’s securely in place.
  7. Plug the air conditioner back in and turn it on.

Solutions and Troubleshooting

If the ‘P1’ error continues to display on your Toshiba air conditioner, you can take a few troubleshooting steps to address the issue.

First, check if the air filter is dirty and clean or replace it if necessary.

Next, ensure that the condenser unit is free from obstructions or debris.

If these steps don’t resolve the error, contacting a professional technician is recommended for further assistance.

What To Do If The “P1” Error Continues Displaying

When the ‘P1’ error continues displaying on your Toshiba air conditioner, try resetting the unit by unplugging it for a few minutes and then plugging it back in.

If the error persists, here are some steps you can take to address the issue:

  • Check the air filters: Dirty filters can cause the P1 error. Remove the filters and clean them thoroughly. If they’re damaged, replace them.
  • Inspect the outdoor unit: Ensure that any debris or vegetation does not obstruct the outdoor unit. Clear any obstructions that might be blocking the airflow.
  • Clear the drainage system: A clogged drainage system can trigger the P1 error. Clean the drainage pipes and ensure they’re free from any blockages.
  • Reset the circuit breaker: A tripped circuit breaker can sometimes lead to a P1 error. Locate the circuit breaker for your air conditioner and reset it if necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs

You’re not alone if you’ve questions about your portable air conditioner.

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) that can help you find the answers you need.

Do You Need To Drain Your Portable Air Conditioner Frequently?

You don’t need to drain your portable air conditioner frequently. Portable air conditioners are designed to be self-evaporative, meaning they use the moisture collected from the air to cool the condenser coils. This process helps to minimize the need for manual draining.

Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Self-evaporative technology: Portable air conditioners use condensation to remove moisture from the air. The collected water is then used to cool the condenser coils, reducing the need for frequent draining.
  • Efficiency: Potable air conditioners can operate more efficiently and effectively by recycling the collected moisture. This not only saves energy but also reduces the need for maintenance.
  • Maintenance tips: While you don’t need to drain your portable air conditioner frequently, cleaning the air filters regularly and ensuring proper ventilation to maintain optimal performance is important.


In conclusion, the ‘P1’ error on a Toshiba air conditioner indicates a problem with the drain system. This error can lead to water leakage and reduced cooling performance.

To address the issue, draining the air conditioner is necessary. By keeping the drain system clean and free of obstructions, you can prevent the ‘P1’ error and ensure the optimal functioning of your air conditioner.

Did you know approximately 90% of air conditioner failures are related to drainage problems?