How To Know If Your Dehumidifier Is Working Properly

Last Updated on: 2nd December 2023, 03:18 pm

Are you wondering if your dehumidifier is doing its job?

Picture this: You recently bought a dehumidifier to help combat the excess moisture in your basement. But how can you be sure it’s working?

Knowing how to determine if your dehumidifier effectively reduces your home’s humidity. We’ll walk you through the steps to assess whether your dehumidifier is up to the task.

You can be confident in your dehumidifier’s functionality by checking for signs like water collection and condensation prevention and measuring humidity levels with a humidistat. We’ll also provide troubleshooting tips in case you discover any issues.

With this knowledge, you’ll be free to enjoy a comfortable and moisture-free living space.

Table of Contents

Check these Potential Reasons

There are several potential reasons to determine if your dehumidifier is working.

First, look at the reading on the humidistat. The dehumidifier functions properly if it’s lower than the current relative humidity.

Next, check if there’s water in the tray or bucket of the unit. This indicates that the dehumidifier is collecting moisture from the air.

Lastly, assess if there’s reduced condensation on windows and surfaces and if the air feels fresher and more comfortable.

These points will help you determine if your dehumidifier is working effectively.

Humidistat Reading

Check the humidistat reading to determine if it indicates any potential reasons for the dehumidifier’s malfunction. The built-in humidistat is essential in monitoring and controlling the relative humidity in the air.

Here are three possible reasons why the humidistat reading might be affecting the dehumidifier’s performance:

  1. Incorrect Settings: Ensure that the humidistat is set to a level lower than the current humidity in the room. If the settings are too high, the dehumidifier may not activate, resulting in excess moisture.
  2. Malfunctioning Humidistat: If the humidistat is faulty, it may not accurately detect the humidity levels, leading to improper dehumidifier operation. Consider recalibrating or replacing the humidistat if necessary.
  3. Blocked Sensor: Check if the humidistat sensor is obstructed by dust or debris, as this can interfere with its ability to measure humidity accurately. Clean the sensor carefully to ensure proper functioning.

Water in Tray

You can determine if your dehumidifier is working by observing the amount of water collected in the tray. The water level in the tray is a clear indication of the dehumidifier’s effectiveness in removing moisture from the air. The dehumidifier works well if you notice significant water in the tray.

On the other hand, if the tray’s water level is low or there’s no water at all, it could indicate a problem with the dehumidifier. It could be a sign that the unit isn’t effectively extracting moisture from the air, or there may be a blockage in the drainage system.

In such cases, it is advisable to check the settings, clean the unit, and ensure proper drainage so that the dehumidifier will work efficiently.

Reduced Condensation

If you notice a significant decrease in condensation on windows and surfaces, your dehumidifier effectively reduces moisture in the air. This reduction in condensation occurs due to the proper functioning of the dehumidifier, which helps maintain the ideal room temperature and humidity levels.

Here are three potential reasons for the reduced condensation:

  1. Improved airflow: A functioning dehumidifier helps improve air circulation in the room, preventing stagnant air and reducing the chances of condensation on windows and surfaces.
  2. Removal of moisture from the air: The dehumidifier extracts excess moisture from the air, reducing the amount of water vapor that can condense on cold surfaces.
  3. Optimal room temperature: A well-functioning dehumidifier helps maintain the ideal room temperature, which can prevent condensation from forming on windows and other surfaces.

Fresher Air

A properly functioning dehumidifier consistently produces fresher air, free from excess moisture and unpleasant odors. When your dehumidifier works effectively, you’ll notice a significant improvement in your home’s air quality.

The dehumidifier removes excess moisture from the air, reducing humidity and preventing mold and mildew growth. As a result, you’ll experience a fresher and more comfortable environment. The dehumidifier also helps eliminate musty odors often associated with high humidity. You’ll no longer have to worry about that damp, stuffy feeling in the air.

Room Comfort

Experience a more comfortable room environment by checking these potential reasons for room discomfort with your dehumidifier:

  1. Check if your dehumidifier is collecting water: A working dehumidifier should have a rising water level in its tray or bucket over time. If you notice that the water level remains the same or doesn’t increase, it could be a sign that the unit isn’t functioning properly.
  2. Notice that the air feels fresher: A functioning dehumidifier helps to reduce excess moisture in the air, which can lead to a musty or stale smell. If the air in your room feels fresher and more pleasant after using the dehumidifier, the unit does its job.
  3. Ensure the unit functions quietly: A properly working dehumidifier should produce a constant, light sound. If you notice any unusual noises, such as loud rattling or grinding, it could indicate a problem with the unit that needs to be addressed.

Quicker Drying Clothes

To achieve quicker drying of clothes, check for these potential reasons with your dehumidifier.

Firstly, check whether warm air is emitted from the dehumidifier. Dehumidifiers have a built-in fan that circulates air, and if this fan stops working, the drying process will be significantly slower.

You can also check the indicator light on the dehumidifier to see if it’s functioning properly. If the light isn’t on or is blinking, it may indicate that the dehumidifier has stopped working.

Additionally, ensure that the dehumidifier is set to the appropriate humidity level for drying clothes. If the humidity level is too high, it will take longer for your clothes to dry.

Allergy Relief

  1. Check for any visible mold or mildew growth in your home, as mold can trigger allergies and indicate the need for a working dehumidifier. Mold spores in the air can cause respiratory issues and worsen allergy symptoms. A functioning dehumidifier helps control the moisture levels in your home, reducing the likelihood of mold growth and relieving allergies.
  2. Another potential reason for allergies is a dirty or clogged air filter. The air filter in your dehumidifier helps trap dust, pollen, and other allergens, preventing them from circulating. If the filter is dirty or clogged, it may not effectively capture these particles, leading to increased allergy symptoms. Regularly cleaning or replacing the air filter can help ensure the device works optimally and relieves allergies.
  3. If your dehumidifier stops working, it could indicate something is wrong. A malfunctioning dehumidifier may not effectively remove excess moisture from the air, allowing allergens to thrive. In such cases, it’s important to check the water level in the tray or bucket. If there’s no water collected, it indicates that the dehumidifier isn’t functioning properly and may need repairs or replacement to restore allergy relief.

Machine Sounds

If you hear any unusual or loud noises coming from your dehumidifier, it may indicate potential reasons for malfunction. Machine sounds can serve as an important indicator of whether your dehumidifier is working properly.

One common issue that may cause loud noises is a malfunctioning fan motor. If the fan is damaged or misaligned, it can vibrate and produce loud or unusual sounds.

Another possible reason for abnormal machine sounds is a faulty compressor. If the compressor isn’t functioning correctly, it may make loud banging or clanking noises.

A dehumidifier with frozen coils can also produce a buzzing or humming sound.

It’s important to address these machine sounds promptly to ensure your dehumidifier works efficiently and effectively.

Indicator Light Check

Check the indicator light on your dehumidifier to determine if it’s illuminated, indicating that the device is operational. If the indicator light doesn’t turn on, it may suggest a potential issue with the dehumidifier. Here are three potential reasons why the indicator light may not be working:

  1. Power supply: Ensure the dehumidifier is securely plugged into a functioning power outlet. If the indicator light remains off, try using a different outlet or checking the circuit breaker.
  2. Faulty indicator light: If the power supply isn’t the issue, it’s possible that the indicator light itself is malfunctioning. In this case, replacing the light or contacting the manufacturer for further assistance may be necessary.
  3. Defective dehumidifier: If the indicator light doesn’t turn on despite checking the power supply and the light itself, it could indicate a larger problem with the dehumidifier. Consider contacting a professional for repair or replacement.


In conclusion, by following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily determine if your dehumidifier effectively reduces the moisture in your home.

Remember to check for signs such as water collection and condensation prevention, and use a humidistat to measure humidity levels.

If you discover any issues, refer to the provided troubleshooting steps or contact a professional.

With this knowledge, you can ensure optimal air quality and comfort in your home, creating a healthier living environment.